Tips To Protect Yourself From Online Fraud

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Sign out before leaving the site whenever you log in to online banking or a loan website. Make sure you keep your financial records private and take care of your credit card information. Keep your financial documents safe and secure because doing so can help you prevent identity theft.

The best way to stay protected from Online Loan and Credit Card scams is by having complete information on them. You must double-check every loan offer you receive and verify their contact details to see if they are legit.

Get more info on the lender and check for the reviews of their service to get an idea of the user experience. You can also visit the RBIs website to see if the lender is legal. If you plan to apply for a loan through the App, make sure you download the legit app from the official sources.

As the title suggests, you should never transfer funds without verifying your identity. Banking authorities usually don’t ask you for a lot of confidential information on a call and hence if someone needs too many details, make sure you verify their identity. Make sure you transfer the funds using a secure private connection instead of using public WiFi.

Using an unsecure website can lead to phishing attacks, and it can also give easy access to your personal information to the scammer. Using Public WiFi in places like Shopping Malls and Restaurants could also put your confidential data at risk because scammers can intercept through it and steal your card details. The card details include your PIN and private information, so you can easily lose money if that gets leaked.

You must be aware of any phishing calls, SMS or emails you receive. To do this, you can use Identity verification apps that show you the details of the person who is calling. Fraud numbers are usually marked as spam, and they will give you an idea of the person who is calling you. If you encounter any number like this, make sure you report it to the authorities.